Interactive Floor installation with Optituio

Company: PIXELSAV - Brazil

How OptiTUIO transformed a 16 square meter floor into an interactive experience

Interactive FLOOR

Interactive floor installation

  • 4.5m by 3.5m interactive floor screen
  • Unlimited touchpoints, works with Unity and many other applications
  • Hardware + software + application

Scope of the project

Our friends and partners from PixelSAV in Brazil used OptiTUIO in combination with Unity to transform a 16sqm floor with LED panels into an interactive experience. The setup is up and running in the Portuguese Language Museum in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The installation was done for Faber Castell “The Most Creative Pencil in the World”.

PixelSAV’s mission was to create an interactive floor installation where people could reveal a message with their feet on a digital paper.

PixelSAV developed an interactive application for the floor screen and then used OptiTUIO to track the feet of the persons in the room. The Unity application used the touch events from OptiTUIO to react to the persons. OptiTUIO is very easy to set up and to work seamlessly with Unity, Ventuz, Unreal Engine, and any other interactive application.

Technical setup

  • 2×2 Floor P3 LED Screens with a acrylic cover
  • OptiTUIO software and License for interactivity
  • SICK LMS100-10000 LIDAR sensor
  • 1 x media server with Unity
  • Application: Unity 3D and C#

Why OptiTUIO?


OptiTUIO was the choice that PixelSAV made to solve the issue of interactivity. We have already worked with other solutions such as Kinect and Cameras, but the OptiTUIO option was an excellent choice.


It was an excellent choice, the OptiTUIO support team is excellent. Good support and the quick response to our doubts were crucial for the success of the event. We are very satisfied with the service and the solution that OptiTUIO and the team of Interactive Asia offered.

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Interactive Asia