Hokuyo Manuals & Tools

Hokuyo UST 10LX Manual

Download the manual for the Hokuyo UST 10LX sensor including wire diagram, dimensions and specifications.

Hokuyo UST 20LX Manual

Download the manual for the Hokuyo UST 20LX sensor including wire diagram, dimensions and specisfications.

Hokuyo URG Benri software

With this software you can test all the Hokuyo sensors for functionality. The software gives you a visual feedback of the raw data.

Leuze Manuals & Tools

Leuze ROD4plus Manual

Download the manual for the Leuze ROD 4 plus sensor including wire diagram, dimensions and specifications.

Leuze RODplussoft

Download the official Leuze software to test and debug your Leuze scanner.

Leuze IP changer

This little Java tool helps you change the IP address of the Leuze ROD4 plus sensor

SICK Manuals & Tools

SICK LMS 1xx – Manual

Download the manual for the Sick LMS 100 sensor including wire diagram, dimensions and specifications.

SICK LMS 5xx – Manual

Download the manual for the Sick LMS 500 sensor including wire diagram, dimensions and specifications.

SICK Configuration software – SOPAS

Download the official Sick SOPAS configuration software for the Sick LIDAR sensors.

other tools

Coordinate Helper

This tool helps you to coordinate in huge render setups with many screens or LED panels. The tool shows a vertical and horizontal line and shows the exact pixel coordinates of the mouse coursor.

Coordinate Debugger

This tool creates customized images (jpg, png) in any resolution. Additionally you can tell the tool how many tiles you want to have. Perfect tool to debug huge render setups.

OT-500 LD06 USB Driver

If you use the OT-500 bundle you need to have this driver installed.

Interactive Asia